Our client DEDUN OMOLE opens tonight in the highly anticipated...
Our client SURENI KAY has just finished filming her leading...
Our client HAINSLEY LLOYD BENNETT can be seen in the...
Our client PASQUALE ESPOSITO has just started filming his return...
Our client WAI WONG can be seen in his lead...
Our client SHARON HINDS has just finished filming her lead...
Our client MARK RHINO SMITH is currently filming his featured...
Our client NATALIE KASSANGA @natkassanga opens tonight in her lead role ‘Irene...
Our client MICA PARIS will be performing this year with...
Our client YVONNE MAI can be seen in her lead...
Our client REZA DIAKO has begun filming his Regular role...
Our clients ADAM DEACON (Herbie Lane), TOMI MAY (Jeff Barnes)...