
Our client MARK FLEISCHMANN can be seen in his regular...

Wishing a fantastic opening night to our client Sharlene Hector @supashar in...

Our clients MARK HOLDEN (James Morse) and JOHN ADDISON (Philip...

Our client PREEYA KALIDAS opened off Broadway in her leading...

Our client MAGNUS SAMUELSSON can be seen in his lead...

Our client DEDUN OMOLE has been announced in this summer’s...

Our clients JESSICA BOONE (Le Arnould) and JIM HIGH (George...

Our client ROSS ANDERSON is currently filming his series regular...

Our clients MARK FLEISCHMANN (Senator Lee Beneky),NARI BLAIR-MANGAT (Lieutenant Williams)...

Our client TAYLOR NAPIER is currently filming his recurring role...

Our clients ASH GOLDEH (Faraj) and REZA DIAKO (Haadee) can...

Our client KOSHA ENGLER has just finished filming her lead...